
DSC 0245

Early Childhood

We recognise the early years as a time of exploration and discovery, and believe that each child is a strong, capable and resilient learner who abounds with awe and wonder. Each child is supported in developing their own special gifts through a child-focused curriculum that acknowledges the whole child and further develops their unique capabilities and a love of learning.

IMG 2189 website

Junior School

Our Junior School promotes a community of learners who are independent, confident, creative and inspired to achieve their full potential within a happy, safe and supportive environment. In recognising each child’s uniqueness, we aim to provide a diverse range of learning opportunities which are designed to take into account the student’s interests, aptitudes and capabilities.

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Middle School

Middle School is a pivotal time that bridges a young person’s journey between childhood and adulthood. Student are guided to become responsible, caring and kind, lifelong learners. We are committed to providing students with strong foundations of knowledge, skills and strategies required for Secondary School and beyond.

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Senior School

Senior School at GMAS encompasses Years 10-12 and is a unique pre-tertiary experience which expands on the knowledge and skills gained in Middle School. As a school that values the unique potential of each student under our care, we offer a supportive learning environment and a diverse curriculum that inspires each individual to follow their passions and achieve their full potential.

VET Pathways

VET Pathways

Students at GMAS have the opportunity to undertake VET studies, enabling them to earn credits towards nationally recognised qualifications whilst completing their West Australian Certificate of Education. VET studies provide students with valuable experience in the workplace, broaden post-school options and prepare them for the transition from school to the workforce or further study.

Gifted Talented

Gifted & Talented

We adopt a whole school approach in catering for our gifted and talented students. Our overarching philosophy ensures that we build challenge and extension into our existing classes, right across Kindergarten to Year 12, as well as through specialised programs.

Learning Support

Learning Support

Our dedicated Learning Support team works closely and collaboratively with students, families, teachers and specialist external agencies and service providers to ensure that each child is appropriately supported throughout their learning journey and develops the knowledge, skills and confidence to achieve their potential.

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