A Lifelong Love of Learning
Junior School at GMAS includes students from Year 3 to 6. Our Junior School promotes a community of learners who are independent, confident, creative and inspired to achieve their full potential within a happy, safe and supportive environment.
In recognising each child’s uniqueness, we aim to provide a diverse range of learning opportunities which are designed to take into account each individual's interests, aptitudes and capabilities.
We believe this can only be achieved in a positive and engaging environment where a feeling of mutual respect exists between teachers, children and parents.
To discover more about Junior School at GMAS, please download a copy of our Primary School Handbook.
Our Learning Environment
The Junior School blocks house four classrooms in each, all connecting to generous open spaced pods. The pods are very flexible, and used in a variety of ways, from working in small groups to performing practical activities.
The Junior School has specialist facilities for Art, Music, Languages and Physical Education/Sport, including sports ovals. Students also make use of the School’s shared amenities, such as the Multi-Activity Centre and Library.
Students are encouraged to keep active during the day. There are multiple playgrounds, climbing frames, kitchen gardens, a multipurpose sports court, as well as spaces for social outdoor games.

Our Approach to Learning
Our dedicated Junior School staff deliver the core learning areas based on the Australian Curriculum and encourage students to be active contributors in their own learning. This encourages the development and practice of critical thinking skills, as well as motivating students to become life-long learners.
We have a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy skills. The core Learning Areas are:
- English
- Mathematics
- Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
- Science
- Health and Physical Education
- The Arts (including Music and Visual Arts)
- Technology and Enterprise
- Languages Other Than English (Japanese)
- Christian and Religious Studies (CRS)
The Junior School teachers aim to provide academic learning programmes that cater for different learning styles. Lessons may include play/inquiry-based investigations, explicit teaching, research and project work, peer tutoring and collaborative groupwork. We emphasise a holistic approach to developing each child and provide multiple opportunities for them to develop their character strengths.
We employ specialist teachers for Music, Japanese, Visual Arts, Digital Technology and Physical Education, with students accessing specialist facilities for these lessons. The specialist teachers, in conjunction with classroom teachers, also provide a range of activities such as concerts, cultural days, exhibitions and inter-school competitions.
We are committed to ensuring our students are active and informed citizens, well-equipped to embrace the opportunities of 21st Century learning.
Our aim is for every classroom to be a technology-rich learning environment, providing our students with strong Information Literacy skills. Each classroom in the Junior School is equipped with an Interactive Whiteboard. Students have ready access to digital devices with the emphasis being on portability, integration, collaboration and connectivity. There is a wide range of software programs available for student use.
The incorporation of Information Technology into our Junior School, with the establishment of a 1:1 iPad in Year 3 and the MacBook Programme from Year 4, enhances our students’ learning experiences and helps them to develop sound research and analytical skills, and become strong digital citizens.
- Specialist lessons in Music, Visual Arts, Technology and Enterprise, Health & Physical Education and Japanese;
- Access to learning support or extension as required;
- Leadership opportunities for Year 6 students;
- Upper Primary students have the opportunity to participate in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program, which introduces students to pleasurable food education through growing produce and cooking delicious seasonal meals;
- The opportunity to participate in a broad range of co-curricular activities and after school clubs;
- Annual school camp program;
- Participation in a wide range of events and activities including carnivals, activity afternoons, free dress days and more;
- Opportunities to participate in school trips and tours.